Friday, January 26, 2007

Packing Up

Hello everyone and welcome to the first post. As many of you know, I have accepted a postion as a Coastal Planner with the Bay Conservation Development Commission in San Francisco. Hal and I will be driving from Silver Spring, MD to San Francisco, CA over the next week or so. Our current plan is to take I-81 to I-40 to I-5. Mapquest claims that this is about 3000 miles and should take 45 hours of driving. Many thanks to my collegues in ORR at NOAA/the Happy Hour Matrix Coordinators for the fine gift of an atlas - I'm sure it will be very useful!


Unknown said...

So how did the hunt for a drill go? :)


Unknown said...

Guess I should hit update b/f attaching a comment... haha

jenw said...

I would need about 8 of thse boxes for my stuff...Are they stackable?

Congrats on the new job, Sahrye. So excited to hear you are landing back in SF!
